Monday 2 June 2008

150 Days To Go...

...not that I'm counting or anything :>)

I've been spending a fair bit of time researching - trying to work out what the minimum amount of planning actually is, while making sure I'll get the most out of my time. I want to book a RTW plane ticket fairly soon, so I'm trying to read up on as many places as I can.

I do keep getting these weird moments where everything stops for a split second, and I realize that in not much time at all I'll be setting off to go round the world. Like just now - it's pretty weird.

Anyway - I've dropped off the form at the Doctor's to get the vaccination program going. I think I'm going to need Yellow Fever - and the last time I had it I was in agony for two days and could hardly walk.

I've added a map to the blog to track progress, and provide updates. Thanks to L1ndon for the suggestion.

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