Tuesday 14 October 2008

Where does the time go?

I've just realised that I'll be leaving the UK in just over a month's time! For such a long time it seemed like a long way off - and then all of a sudden the time's gone. I've been pretty busy at work, but have just taken a few days off to try and get things done. 

I think I've pretty much got everything I need - I'm probably at the point where I could pick up the rucksack and set off. 

There's still stuff to get sorted - mainly financial - and then I want to try and get around and see as many people as I can before I go. 

I've noticed that the conversations are starting to change. I guess the reality of it all is starting to sink in - it was just an idea before. I'm also back to thinking of all the things I'll miss - and I must admit there's been times when I've wondered whether I should just change my mind. It's natural I guess - stepping into the unknown can be a scary thing. 

I'm also finding that I'm starting to get less organised. It may be surprising to some people - but it does take effort to be organised - I'm not really a natural at it - I have to make myself be that way. 

What's scary is I have no idea what I'll be doing in South America. The guide book's here - I just haven't opened it yet and planned a route. Which is definitely something I'd have done before. 

Perhaps I'll get around to it in the next few weeks :>) 

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