Monday, 4 January 2010

A Note For Asthmatics...

I'm asthmatic and was a little concerned about getting supplies of Ventolin (the blue inhaler) along the way. I set off from the UK with four inhalers, but have since discovered that you can buy a lot of drugs (that's legal ones :-) while your on the road. Annoyingly - you can usually buy them for a lot less (and I mean a lot less) than the UK prescription charge.

Just pop into a chemist and show them the inhaler and they'll sell you one.

I bought supplies in Peru, Bolivia, Argentina, Australia, Cambodia, Pakistan, India, and Sri Lanka.

The only place where I couldn't get Ventolin was in China. Not sure why - but they only had Ventolin in liquid form which would require a Nebulizer. So if your heading that way get supplies before you go.

On a slightly different note - you can buy other stuff without prescription - like anti-biotic creams and eye drops - so if you get bitten or get an infected wound or whatever - try the chemist first as they'll usually be able to sell you what you need...

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