Saturday 21 November 2009

Colombo - Part 2

Brock and I got back to Colombo from the airport at about 8am, and decided to stay up rather than get any sleep...and it turned into the world's longest day...

After breakfast and twelve hours of hanging around, it was still only 10am, so we headed out to get some fresh Coconut, and make our way to the best free wifi spot in town: McDonalds.

Coconuts in Colombo:

Brock's Ipod had broken, and as it was under warranty he headed to the Apple dealer to try and get a replacement. Which isn't as easy as it would at first appear...mainly because the dealer couldn't say when it would arrive...because they couldn't decide when they'd be able to get around to ordering it...

So we headed to the Galle Face Hotel for drinks while the sun set, and were very happily entertained by a couple of squirrels who seemed as keen on the Bombay mix as we were. One even played it up for the camera - click the pictures to view the videos:

After some food at Fort we headed back to the YMCA to watch a film and called it a night...

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