So instead of going to bed early as we'd planned we ended up enjoying a bottle of wine and a few beers. There may have also been a nasty incident with some packing tape, and we said we'd never mention the permanent marker again. Hang on - did I just mention the permanent marker? all went downhill from here :-)
Thanks to Jo for this rather amazing action photo...
After a ridiculously short time trying to sleep and totally failing, the alarm went off and it was time to get up. Except it was chucking it down - and when we looked outside none of us could be bothered getting up and walking up a mountain in the pouring rain. Especially as there was no guarantee that we'd be able to see the view when we got there.
My only disappointment was that I missed the chance to get a photo with a leech stuck on me - as we were told there were plenty on the path when it's raining - I even had some salt ready to remove them after the photo...oh well...maybe next time...
So we went back to bed and got some sleep...
The next morning we got up, and had a rather pleasant breakfast sitting on the balcony of the place we were staying. And then it was time to pack our bags, wait an hour or two for Jo :-), and then head out to catch the bus to Colombo...
Here's the view of the balcony where we had breakfast:
The bus journey went through the hill country and was really picturesque. Here's a picture on the road back to Colombo:
And here's one of some of the amazing trees in full bloom:
Unfortunately for Brock, the little lad who was sat behind him decided to be sick and puked all over Brock's back - not nice...
But finally...we arrived in Colombo, got a room at the YMCA, had some food, and called it a night...tomorrow would be Jo's last day in Sri Lanka...
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