Monday 28 December 2009

What It's Like Being Home...

The second question I usually get asked is: what's it like to be home?

And I say: it's really great thanks.

And it is...

The one great thing about "being back" has been the chance to catch up with the friends I have here in the UK. I think that the time of year has worked for and against me. There's been a chance to catch up with some people I might not have seen because of Christmas parties and the like - but it's such a busy time that I know it's been hard at times to meet up with everyone...

...but - the realities of "normal" life are calling - and at some point (in the not too distant future) I'm going to have to get back to work. Not that that's a major issue - as I've discovered that I kind of miss it, so it won't be a problem going back to it.

For anyone who doesn't know - I'm planning a trip to Australia next year just to see how things look from a work perspective there...

While I can't wait to get on the plane and head to the sun and catch up with everyone I know in Oz, I also don't want to leave behind the life I have here. But living abroad has always been something I've dreamed about and never done - and having no house or "stuff" at the moment would make things significantly easier. While I don't want to leave friends or family behind, I know that I'd forever regret not having tried at this point in my life - so I've decided to just go for it - it might work - it might not - but we'll see what happens.

While I've not got long until I go, it does feel sometimes like I'm just passing time, and and while I have lots of things to do, I'm finding it really hard to motivate myself to do them. I do go through patches of real despondency and it's at those points that I really miss being on the road. The restlessness that I guess all travelers share returns - seeing a map is deadly because I start planning another trip in my head.

And there are moments where my trip feels like a weird dream. Everything is so familiar here that I could easily settle back into it. Nothing seems to have changed while I've been gone - although it feels like lots of things have changed. It's usually the small things that are the most noticeable.

One thing that's really helped has been having the photos I've taken as my screen saver. The random pictures pop up and I can remember exactly where I was when I took the photo - how I was feeling - who I was with - and what happened after the moment was captured. It's a real reminder that it really did happen :-)

I think, based on the e-mails and conversations I've had with people in my position, it's fairly normal to feel this way after a long trip. It is a huge readjustment to make and travelling does give you a different perspective on life.

So yes - I'm enjoying it - for now. Next year is going to be a whole new adventure in itself, and I'm really looking forward to it...

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