Friday 29 May 2009

Xian - Part 2

I decided to do not much - and arranged to meet the girls later for dinner. So I headed to Starbucks, and had a wander around the city, and then spent some time planning what I was going to do next.

I needed to leave China as my 30 day's was almost up, so booked a flight for the next day to Shenzhen from which it's easy to get to Hong Kong. The booking process turned into a total nightmare as they wanted me to validate who I was before they'd issue the ticket. With the patience and help of the people who work at the hostel I was able to send what was needed. But it made me late for Dinner and I had to run accross to Xian to try and meet up with the girls.

Thankfully, they were still waiting - and we headed off for Hot Pot which was really good fun.

Just one picture - pig's feet for sale in the market - the people here go mental for them, and you see them munching away as they walk along:

That night I decided not to have too late a night - so spent about 10 minutes having one drink with the girls. Bizarrely, I suddenly discovered it was 5am and I was standing on a stage dancing with some Chinese people in a

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