Friday 16 January 2009

Iguazu Falls, the Itaipu Dam, and Argentina...

I`d never intended to come to the Iguaza Falls, or even to Brazil for that matter. The original plan was to head south through Chile - but I`m certainly glad the plan changed.

The falls can be viewed from two sides (Brazil and Argentina) and I decided that I`d make the effort and do both.

I stayed at a fantastic hostel just out of town, and as I´m on my way out for food, Greg and Andy (who I`d met in EncarnaciĆ³n) arrived. So we headed out and had barbecued fish (with several beers - una otra cerveza por favor)

The next day I slept in, and then wandered rather bleary eyed to get the bus to the falls. On the bus I bumped into Werner, who was staying in the same room as me at the hostal, with some other people who were staying at the hostal, so we headed off to see the falls.

Daniela, Veronica, and Werner:

Me, Michelle, Veronica, Gissele, and Werner:

The Iguazu Falls are a whole bunch of falls that run along a 2.7 Km stretch of river, with the main fall "Garganta del Diabo" (Devils Throat in Spanish) being the highlight.

Having been to Niagra, Id have to say that this topped it by some way. Here`s a few pics:


Even more wow:

Me - and the Devil`s Throat:

We then headed off for lunch - fish and chips - yes - fish and chips. With tomato sauce - yes - tomato wasn`t that good actually, but the company more than made up for the food:

The rest of the day was spent lounging in and around the pool at the Hostal. I had a really interesting conversation with Danielle about South America, and its culture and future. It made sense of some of the things I`d see, and put a lot of other things into perspective.

The next day Danielle, Veronica, and Dougy (on hols from Sunny Brighton) decided to head off to the Itaipu Dam. Its one of he biggest in the world, and is a joint venture between Paraguay and Brazil.

I must say - I was disappointed by the tour. It was an hour on a bus, with 10 minutes to take photo`s. But the company was good - otherwise it would have been a disaster.

Here are some pics:

This is where the water rushes down when the reservoir is full - but there`s been no rain for a while :-(

After hanging out at the hostal, I walked down to the bus stop with Danielle and Veronica (they are making there way to Asuncion and "El Chaco"), to Argentina to see t`other side of the falls.

Someone had recommended a hostal, and having found it I got the last bed in the dorm. I`d been told it was a party place, but it seemed pretty dead, so I headed out for food.

I`d have to say - while I enjoyed the falls - I was missing the company, and there was a lot of walking on the Argentina side. Really impressive though, and definitely worth doing (although in hind sight I`d just do the Argentina side if I was to do it again).

Here`s a few pics:

The Devil`s Throat:


Standing on the edge of the Devil`s Throat:

As I got back to Puerto Iguazu early, I was able to get a night bus to Retiro...more of which...on the next episode of Lost...

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