Monday 12 January 2009

The Paradox of Paraguay

According to the FCO, only 250 Brits visited Paraguay in 2006.

The missions at Trinidad and Jesus are the least visited UNESCO Heritage sites in the entire world.

And despite being free, more people (apparently) go to see the Itaipu Dam from Brazil rather than Paraguay - even though it`s free in Paraguay.
That makes it the least visited country in South America. While everyone flocks to Bolivia - no one goes to Paraguay. And having been there I really can`t understand why.

If you read the Lonely Planet Thorntree forum, you`ll see most people don`t rate it. But I`d have to say, I`m really surprised by that. I thought there was stuff to see.

Yes - tourism is not developed here.
Yes - there`s not loads to see in the traditional sense.
Yes - you might feel like people are staring at you (or maybe it was just my good looks).

But Paraguay is a great place to hang out, and there is stuff to see if you make the effort. And there`s a lot less hassle than in Bolivia, and the transport, and hotels are good. And it`s cheap. Like really cheap. And people are really friendly. And did I mention that it`s cheap - and how nice the people are...

I could have easily spent two weeks in Paraguay. Here`s some stuff I wished I`d had time for:

The Sunday Train ride in Asuncion.
El Chaco.

There`s a least a week just there.

So here`s the paradox - why doesn`t anyone come here when it has so much to offer...answers on a postcard please.

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