Friday 16 January 2009


I decided to go to Rosario to break up the long coach journey - and ended up trying to see everything in one day. I actually didn`t feel that great (it felt like I was coming down with cold - but it passed - thankfully), and although the hostal had a good reputation as being a party place, it seemed pretty quite to me. So I had a good look around town and had an early night.

It`s famous for being the home of the guy who designed the Argentinian flag. Here`s his memorial:

On the outside it looks like something from a Terry Gilliam film (think Brazil), but inside - it`s super plush travetine - the kind of thing Paul would design and buy all the stuff from Ebay for 4.50 pounds :-)

Here´s a view from the top:

It`s also famous for being the place Che Guevara was born. Here`s a picture of the apartment block - someone actually lives there so there`s no way of going in:

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